Thank you for visiting our Web Site. We would love it if you would add to our new guestbook on the homepage!
This sit helped me out so
much. I have to think of some creative movie themes for a class project. Luckly
I cam across your site, and I was able to finish what needed to be done. Thanks
to the creators of this site.
Courtney <[email protected]>
La USA -
Monday, September 30, 2002 at 22:20:06 ()
Hi! I'm Brian. I really
like your site, it's usefull and informative. I am working for discount
magazine subscription comparison service. I find your site while
searching for magazine related sites and It's a pleasure to sign your guestbook.
Brian - magazine subscriptions
<[email protected]>
Texas USA - Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 07:33:08 ()
Great site, good looking
Bronson stuff too, thnaks
USA - Monday, September 23, 2002 at
22:24:58 ()
Can anyone tell me the
name of the band and song that was playing when Clark caught Rusty in the
nightclub in European Vacation? It is sung in French and that is all I know. Any
help is at the above address. Thanks.
JOJO <[email protected]>
USA - Saturday,
September 21, 2002 at 03:39:40 ()
Great site,
USA - Friday, September 20, 2002 at
15:12:24 ()
You should put the
song...on when they are cheerleading
USA - Monday, September 02, 2002 at
04:44:18 ()
una biko i land this area
kessington <[email protected]>
lagos, edo nigeria -
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 21:11:30 ()
Hi Tony Ran into your
father and mother at Chtwn today and they said you had developed a site that was
well worth a look. It certainly is ... great work! Dave
Dave Jones
Oz - Sunday, August 18, 2002 at
04:50:24 ()
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changyou <lvyou>
shaolin temple, hanan china - Friday,
August 16, 2002 at 11:25:36 ()
cool site. Does anyone
know what happened to Brittney Lewis from Dream Machine with Corey Haim? I can't
find anything about her on the net.
shaz <[email protected]>
uk -
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 19:11:51 ()
Hey Jon Cryer! you are
invited to a very cool VIP club! the URL is added and I will let you in the door
no problem! better than Andrew Dice Clay? Huh...LOL! hope to see you around here
is my profile to learn more about me~
Blair/ Kristin
Noelle <[email protected]>
USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 00:14:46 ()
You are very Welcome to
join the VIP club Jon Hughes if you would like! It will be a collection of 80s
celebs you were a director of at one time! hope to see there! XOXOX~ Blair/ Kristin
Blair/ Kristin
Noelle <[email protected]>
USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 00:08:52 ()
This was the most amazing
movie website I have ever visited. I loved listening to all the different
soundtracks, especially the eighties stuff. Best trip down memeory lane
Gale Schupack <[email protected]>
Vic Australia - Saturday, July 20, 2002 at 06:14:41 ()
Help! I've been looking
everywhere for the "Casual Sex?" soundtrack but have been unable to find it
anywhere. I was wondering if anybody has it OR at least knows the track list(the
names of the songs and the singers) to the cd, which is all I really need. If
you can help, please email me. Thanks! ~Bridgette~
Bridgette Marie <[email protected]>
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 20:07:23 ()
are great and funny. The soundtracks are as great as the movies. I'm 30 and I
enjoy songs from the 50's and 60's. These movies in England are long-lost ones
and if anybody knows if they are still available in America, I'd be so grateful
if any of you can tell me and where I can get them or the ones that are still
available. I have an NTSC video recorder so Americian tapes play on my video
recorder. I know they are not on DVD, however, video is better than nothing.
Thank you. Darren Fuge.
FUGE <[email protected]>
? ENGLAND - Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 18:42:47 ()
i lurve the fast and the
furious SO much its a really cool film and i watch it over and over
Adele Upex <[email protected]>
uk - Tuesday, July
09, 2002 at 19:18:44 ()
Great site. Fantastic
Music. Well done!!!
Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 07:51:28 ()
People healed of
Parkinson's Disease at: Baltimore Christian Faith Center 10308 Liberty Road
Randallstown, Md 21133 (410) 655-3777
USA - Friday, May 17, 2002 at 13:22:31
USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 00:04:56
I like this site a lot,
but I would like to know where the female teen idols from 1950-2002 are. Other
than that I thought that this site was a very usful one.
USA - Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 00:02:13
I am a student at Morehead
State University. I was researching a paper when I found this site. I want to
say it is one of the best I have seen in awhile. Great music!
Morehead, Ky USA - Sunday, April 28,
2002 at 16:36:10 ()
Great work Tony! I know
you have to do a lot of work but I know you can keep it up. I love the music
& videos. Have a good time with your website. It will be the only website I
will love. I love the home page Tony! Keep it up.
Karli Mathews <[email protected]>
NSW Australia - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 06:55:07 ()
Dear Toney! It has been my
utmost pleasure in viewing your excellent site and prefferences,not to mention
all the great resources and trivia that you have on here. You have really made
an effort into reviving the greatest movie treasures of all times and bringing
them back to life. Well done!Your enthusiasm is astounding and not to mention
the fact that it has come to our attention that you just also happen to be a
gifted young film maker and actor extrodinaire,who has quite a long list of
amater movie productions up his sleeve. We at Hollywood Awards would like to
give you an open invitation to our annual Hollywood Awards competition which
will be held on the 1-5 August 2002! Usually we don't scout for potential
Tarantinos but seeing is believing after visiting your site and being reffered
to you by a very loyal fan who has told us about your creative movie making
skills. Please take the time to visit our web site and fill in the entry form
and we would personaly like to wish you the best of luck with your potential
entry. All the best and keep up the good work Toney! Entry Form :
Samantha le
Hollywood, cal USA - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 15:30:30
Nice web site how about
joining our group. ELVIS AARON PRESLEY
david and charmaine
<[email protected]>
- Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 02:40:13 ()
Even though i was born in
the 80's, but i still love watching the movie Pretty in Pink, its my favorite
movie of all times, i almost have all her 80's movies. She's my favorite actress
of all times. By the way i love your web page, and i think it rocks man.
especially the part when the song plays, from the movie Pretty in Pink
"AWESOME". keep up with the good work. :)
Tiffany Sylliboy
<[email protected]>
Scotia/Cape Breato, Canada - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 21:36:48
Alice Giraud, of Monte Carlo <.....................>
carlo, Monaco - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 13:16:33 ()
Great website! Yeah! Keep
it up! The VIDEO BEAT! Rare 1950s & 1960s Rock n Roll on Video!
The VIDEO BEAT! <mailto:>
Francisco, CA USA - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 00:39:11 ()
This site continues to go
from strength to strength improving with every day, Congratulations on 1 year
online Tony! Keep it up it's looking great!
Russell <[email protected]>
NSW Australia - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 13:53:40 ()
Hello... My name is Ana
Lúcia I live in Brazil, there are some behind days I was thinking of just
creating a site on " Teen Movies " and I began a search for the Internet for
sites that had some material. . . Finally I ended up finding yours that is an
incredible site. . . It would like sabre if I could use some material of its
Home Page. Of course I would give the credits to you in a links section in my
site. I await its answer anciosamente. Brazilian Kisses Aninha... Don't repair
in my English I am using a translator. . .
Ana Lúcia Greco <[email protected]>
SP BRAZIL - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 15:50:06 ()
Dear Mrs.Silverstone, Hi
my name is Danielle Tsottles and you are a very great actress.But, I watch your
new show called 'Braceface' and I also watched the movie 'Blast from the past'
that you also starred in. Will you send me a picture of you and your autograph
.PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am your #1 fan.
Danielle Tsottles <[email protected]>
Bel Air , MD
USA - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 23:30:07 ()
hello fabian how are you doing im a big of yours for a
long time so please email me back soon carol.
CAROL ossie
<[email protected]>
ct USA - Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 22:46:56 ()
Great website Tony. Very interesting for all ages.
Kimberley Kramer <[email protected]>
NSW Australia - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 22:20:39 ()
I really like this site and I hope it will continue to add
more movies.
Jill <[email protected]>
- Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 06:14:34 ()
Excellent site, most informative, great job Tony.
MickPick <[email protected]>
Abbotsford, BC
Canada - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 19:38:00 ()
HI Tony!! Great site!! :) :) Piper's AWESOME!! And i love
that section about her! :) If you ever read this, can u please email me?
<[email protected]>
Canada - Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 16:17:39 ()
Tony everything looks great! Well done!
Pichaloff <[email protected]>
NSW Australia - Saturday, September 15, 2001 at 23:43:09 ()
Well done Tony, keep up the good work. You have obviously
put a huge amount of effort into this project.
Sunday, August 19, 2001 at 09:51:26 ()
P.S. LOVE the new logo!
Macquarie, NSW Oztraya - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at 16:10:04 ()
Thought i would call in to a favourite old website of mine
today and OH MY GOD!!! the place looks great!!! you've repainted the walls,laid
down some new carpet...OH! and the windows... but seriously well done Tony on a
great looking site, all those hours have been worth it.
Lake Macquarie, NSW Oztralia - Saturday, May 26, 2001 at
16:07:23 ()
very interesting site. great info.keep up the work. from
andrew ford
belmont, nsw australia - Sunday, May 06, 2001 at
06:57:25 ()
Good work Tony. I am very proud of you. Now I realise what
you have been doing, staying up til 3 o'clock each morning working on the
Website. You have a very impressive Website. This is without a doubt the best
Teen Movie Website I have ever seen. All the best with it. Love Mum
(Your Mum)
Australia - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 06:10:36 ()
Hi,how are you .We love your web site. We love all the
pictures and your reviews are very interesting to read.Keep up the good work and
we will come back and visit again soon.bye for now love always Bianca, Corey,
Tayla, and Jackson love from
Tayla and Corey <[email protected]>
nsw Australia - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 04:31:41 ()
Very good wed site and i am going to go click the bottons
to get u some money well gotta go Byr Love always your cousin
bibby <[email protected]>
nsw aus - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 01:12:48 ()
Tony, Judy told me to check out your web site. It's pretty
good. I'll have to tell my kids about it. I'm sure they'll want to see it. Looks
good. Linda Rodriguez Dodge city, KS USA
Linda Rodriguez <[email protected]>
City, KS USA - Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 17:44:25 ()
This site is a real breath of fresh air when compared
against many other websites. It's excellent easy to use design as well as great
photographs and reviews, put many other sites to shame. Keep up the good
work(looking forward to the Bootmen review)and to quote those famous words: I'LL
BE BACK!!!!!
Lake Macquarie, NSW Australia - Saturday,
March 03, 2001 at 13:06:06 ()
Excellent Website. Colourful, informative, great selection
of movie stills & very user friendly. I am looking forward to another visit
very soon. Keep up the good work.
Mr. Movies
Australia - Friday, March
02, 2001 at 05:03:43 ()